This web site contains my favorite recipes. As you look at my recipes, you will notice the majority of the are very simple. This is the type of food my family enjoys most. I spent a number of years cooking for Marriott Corp., a country club, a hotel and an old english restaurant and I have come to enjoy cooking the things my family enjoys. Some of them will have stories and memories of the friends and family that share their recipes with me. Others are ones I have collected from cookbooks, magazines or the internet. I have tried to give credit where credit is due. I hope you enjoy some my favorite recipes.

I want to thank my mother for her patience in teaching me to cook. I started cooking for the family when I was in the sixth grade. My mom was working and my dad was going to school at BYU working on his masters degree. Mom would leave me instructions on what to cook for dinner and if I had questions I would call her. Thanks mom for the help and encouragement. I love you.

Under the tab Rick's Healthy Recipes are of course healthy recipes. There are some Vegan, Vegetarian and of course just plain healthy ones.

To return to my main page with links to my other blogs click here Rick's Life

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Texas Roadhouse Rolls

I found this recipe on the internet.  From the trainer for all the bakers of the Texas Roadhouse chain (so they say).


1/2 sol. oz. cake of yeast or 1 pkg. active dry yeast
1/2 cup warm water
2 cups milk- scalded and cooled to lukewarm
3 tablespoons of melted butter - cooled
1/2 cup sugar
6-8 cups all purpose flour --
2 whole eggs
2 tsp. salt


Soften yeast in warm water with a teaspoon of sugar.  Add yeast, milk, sugar and enough flour to make a medium batter. Beat thoroughly. Let stand until light and foamy.  Add melted butter, eggs and salt. Beat well. Add enough flour to form soft dough. Sprinkle small amount of flour on counter and let dough rest. 
Meanwhile, clean and dry bowl; grease clean surface of bow. Knead dough until smooth and satiny. Put in greased bowl; turn over to grease top. Cover; let rise in warm place until double in bulk.  Punch down. Turn out on floured board. Divide into portions for shaping; let rest 10 minutes.  Shape dough into desired forms. Place on greased baking sheets. Let rise until doubled. 

Bake at 350 degrees F for 10-15 minutes (until golden brown). Baste immediately with butter

Yield: 5 to 6 dozen (depending on the size - I made mine kind of big and got about 3 dozen)

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