This web site contains my favorite recipes. As you look at my recipes, you will notice the majority of the are very simple. This is the type of food my family enjoys most. I spent a number of years cooking for Marriott Corp., a country club, a hotel and an old english restaurant and I have come to enjoy cooking the things my family enjoys. Some of them will have stories and memories of the friends and family that share their recipes with me. Others are ones I have collected from cookbooks, magazines or the internet. I have tried to give credit where credit is due. I hope you enjoy some my favorite recipes.

I want to thank my mother for her patience in teaching me to cook. I started cooking for the family when I was in the sixth grade. My mom was working and my dad was going to school at BYU working on his masters degree. Mom would leave me instructions on what to cook for dinner and if I had questions I would call her. Thanks mom for the help and encouragement. I love you.

Under the tab Rick's Healthy Recipes are of course healthy recipes. There are some Vegan, Vegetarian and of course just plain healthy ones.

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Friday, January 1, 2016

Peppermint Fudge

This recipe comes from a spicy perspective  It is one of two fudges I made this year.


  • 1 - 14 ounce can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 tablespoon butter + extra for buttering the dish
  • 1 pound dark chocolate chips/chunks
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup Andes Peppermint Chuncks


  1. Grease a 8x8 or 8x11 bakibng dish.  Sprinkle half the peppermint chunks in the bottom of the dish and set aside.
  2. Place a medium sauce pot over medium heat with 2 inches of water. Place a glass bowl over the top--making sure the glass doesn't touch the water.
  3. Pour the condensed milk and butter in the bowl and heat.
  4. Add the chocolate chips and salt in the bowl. Stir the chocolate and watch as it melts and thickens--about 5 minutes.
  5. The mixture should thicken to a THICK cake batter consistency--almost too thick to pour.
  6. Add both extracts and mix well.
  7. Pour the mixture into the dish. Gently tap the dish on the counter for at least a minute to allow air bubbles to rise to the surface and to smooth the surface.
  8. Sprinkle the remaining peppermint chips over the top and refrigerate for at least 3 hours, maybe longer, to set.
  9. To cut, dip a sharp knife in hot tap water, wipe and cut quickly. Dip and wipe the knife between cuts. Cut into 1 inch squares.

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